Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing

Throw on your apron because it's baking time!

Heat your oven to 180C and get cracking.

Combine sugar, eggs and milk.
Add flour gradually.
Pour in the oil and make sure it's thoroughly mixed in.
Throw in the baking powder.
Ooh, and vanilla essence [the most essential part of baking if you ask me].
Pop the batter into a greased tin.
In the oven it goes! Bake till inserted skewer comes out clean.

Icing Time!

Melt the butter.
Add in the cocoa powder.
Add in the milk, vanilla essence and begin to add icing sugar.
Add icing sugar until it reaches the consistency you wish.

And there you have it! A vanilla cake with chocolate icing. Delicious if I do say so myself. I've adapted this so feel free to do the same!


  1. We have the same layout! This is so weird to see haha!

    I have a beauty/music/lifestyle blog over at

    1. Great minds think alike obviously then! I love your blog by the way! x


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